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Our Church

Zion Lutheran Church is a confessional Lutheran church whose aim is to uphold the Biblical teachings and Christian values which God restored to the world through the Lutheran Reformation. We proclaim to a world dead in sins that salvation is a gift of God’s grace; that Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, paid the full sacrificial price – His very life – so that the free gift of salvation could be ours. We teach that the Holy Spirit works in individual hearts the repentance and faith through which one receives the blessings of Christ’s salvation. The foundation for such saving faith is the Bible – God’s holy, verbally inspired, inerrant, and unchangeable Word. Since “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God,” it is completely reliable, trustworthy, and true. It is the only source for faith and life.

Service time:

  •  11:00 A.M.

Bible classes:

Bible class in Ipswich
▪ Time: 4:00 on Fridays
▪ Location: Ipswich Public Library

Bible class in Aberdeen
▪ Time: 5:30 on Tuesdays from Labor Day through Memorial Day.

▪ Location: 2308 20th Ave. NW Aberdeen, SD 57401

Bible Information Class
▪ Description: The Word of God is the power unto salvation. It is beneficial for teaching, correction, and instruction. It is the lamp unto our feet and the light unto our path. To maintain the clear light of Scripture, the apostle Paul implores that “you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” (1 Cor 1:10) For those desiring to become members of Zion, we share a summary of our teachings in our Bible Information Classes. Please contact our Pastor for more information.

Most recent sermon:

When Napoleon Bonaparte was about to begin his campaign against Russia, someone tried to dissuade him and remarked, “Man proposes, but God disposes!” Whereupon Napoleon arrogantly replied, “I dispose as…
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