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“Blood is thicker than water” is a proverb which means that familial bonds will always be stronger than other relationships. The oldest record of this saying can be traced back…
My father currently serves a divine call as a professor of Immanuel Lutheran High School, College, and Seminary. His specialized skills are focused in Greek and New Testament studies, meaning…
“My oldest does their chores right away, and he does them well!” “My middle child does them, but he usually has to redo them.” “My youngest probably doesn’t know what…
When surveying the vast world of market finance, I like to read up on anomalies that pop up in the free market from time to time, such as the boom…
Walking through the halls of St. Luke’s, I look at the patient ticker on the waiting room wall and ponder the work of the surgeon in sobering admiration. I recognize…
Spreading out from the Italian peninsula into Greece and Spain, Turkey and Israel, Egypt and Libya, Morocco and Algerian, France and the Netherlands, parts of Germany and up into England,…
“But when the Helper comes…” The word “Helper” from our text comes from the Greek word which, transliterated into English, is pronounced ‘paraclete.’ No, it is not a small, colorful…
Several years ago, I had the privilege to serve on part of a traveling vacation bible school team who helped serve our sister congregation in the San Francisco metro area.…
“Be doers of the word, not hearers only.” This is how James begins our section. That may sound like a simple, obvious directive. Yet, lest we take this charge for…